プロフィール / Profile

English Below.

Packraft Hokkaido(パックラフト北海道)として、まずはインスタグラム、次にXで、日本国内でなく海外パックラフターと交流と発信を行ってきました。


まずは、Packraft Hokkaidoとは何か?ですが、パックラフトガイドカンパニーではありません。私も皆さんと同じ、一個人のパックラフターです。






トレイルを歩いて川を下る旅は楽しいに決まってます。そんな文化を楽しむ人が増えいくことを願い、そんな思いや構想から、” Packraft Hokkaido ” が立ち上がりました。


川から物理的にも精神的にも離れていた自分を川に引き戻してくれたのは、パックラフトでした!/ It was packrafting that brought me back to the river after being physically and mentally detached from it! 2023.9.19

As Packraft Hokkaido, we have been communicating and sending out information to packrafters in Japan and abroad, first on Instagram and then on X. Due to the nature of SNS, we have only been sending out fragmented information.

Due to the nature of SNS, we have only been able to provide fragmented information, so we have decided to go one step further and start a blog site to record and disseminate information. We are also providing information on pack rafting in Hokkaido in English, as there is a demand for information on pack rafting in Hokkaido, including its fields, from people living overseas.

First of all, what is Packraft Hokkaido? We are not a packraft guide company. I am an individual packrafter just like you.

It has been more than 20 years since Alpackaraft introduced the first packraft to the world.

Packrafts have become one of the major paddle sports in Europe and the United States, where paddle sports are very popular, and product and safety information continues to be updated by enthusiasts.

In Japan, there have been people who have been using packraft since the early days. However, many people may still feel that information on gear, safety, and field information is still scarce compared to other activities. I am sure many of you feel that information on peripheral gear, safety, and field information is scarce compared to other activities. We hope to help disseminate this information.

We also want to support those who want to start pack rafting but feel it is too difficult to start, who have purchased a packraft but do not have a paddling buddy, or who want to deepen their understanding of river reading and boat handling including paddling. The idea is to support those who have such concerns.

The number of paddlesports products in Japan is not as large as that of mountaineering or camping equipment because the paddlesports population is not large. Therefore, we also operate a store to introduce products that meet the needs of those who want something more user-friendly and different from other products to make them unique.

A trip down the river on a trail is sure to be fun. We hope that more and more people will enjoy such a culture, and it is from these thoughts and ideas that “Packraft Hokkaido” was launched.
