English Below.

単純に、ダウンリバーもどれくらい下れるのか?耐久性はどんな感じなのか?携行性は?などなど、この日は、元気商會さんが開発した日本国産設計(生産国は中国工場)のGRIFFON RAFT / グリフォンラフトのストレウスとラルガと同工場で作られているフロンティアのパックラフトの試乗を開発者の縣さん直々にしていただきながらダウンリバー。





日本では馴染みの薄い「Anfibio / アンフィビオ」のエア式ライフジャケット。ドイツのパックラフトショップが開発しているオリジナルギアですが、パックラフトに特化した面白いギアブランドです。エア式ライフジャケットは、収納時小さくなる利点はありますが、浮力となるものがフォーム材ではないため、万が一(穴が空いたらどうなるか?など)デメリットをしっかり理解した人のみにおすすめできるライフジャケットです。ホワイトウォーターがメインの河川ではオススメできませんが、尖ったギアなことは間違いなし!

・ストレウス – 価格の面からも多くの人の検討順位に食い込んでくる艇だと思います。元気商會さんのWEBショップでも紹介されている通り、万能艇という印象。万能故に中途半端でという意見もあるのですが、どんな河川もそつなく熟せる艇。
・ラルガ – ダッキーに乗り慣れていた方からするとフィットする艇なのかもしれません。水面に浮かんだ時の安定感、そして瀬に突入した時の、これまた安定感。故に、荷物を積載してのリバーツーリングにはもってこいの艇かと思います。そしてセルフベイラー艇。パッキングして背負うには少し重量があるので、車移動でのダウンリバーメインの方にはお勧めです。
・WW-255 – 船体が細いため、本当にホワイトウォーターを意識して作られたパックラフトなんだと思いました。バウ(船首)にキャンプ道具など大きめのドライバッグを積んでのリバーツーリングをするには手狭になるかもしれないのでホワイトウォーター河川メインで遊ぶ方には最適かもしれません。(のちにアルパカラフトのホワイトウォーターモデルのウルヴァリンの設計に非常に似た艇ということを聞いてその特徴に納得しました。)
というわけで、トレイルを歩いて川を下る旅は楽しいに決まってます。そんな文化を楽しむ人が増えていけばいいなぁと、そんな思いや構想から、” Packraft Hokkaido ” が立ち上がりました。引き続き、パックラフティングに関する投稿を続けていきますので、よろしくお願いいたします。
Test ride different types of boats before buying a packraft.
When I did not yet have my own packraft, I wanted to ride and try things anyway without any preconceptions as much as possible. That is, I was conscious of not having any preconceived ideas about how to use it.
Simply, how far downriver can it go? What is the durability like? How portable is it? On this day, we went downriver with Mr. Agata, the developer of GRIFFON RAFT, a domestic design developed by Genki Shokai (produced in a factory in China), while he personally gave us a test ride of GRIFFON RAFT’s Streus and Larga, and Frontier’s Packraft, which are made in the same factory.
The place we chose for the trial was Yoichi River. We chose a section of the Yoichi River that none of the three members had rafted before (basically, one should never raft a river alone), which was upstream from a major section that we had rafted before, but there was a weir, a ford, and a moderate rapids on the way, making it ideal for the trial.
In shallow water, you can get off and drag the boat by dragging it, and weirs can be portaged by carrying it lightly. (The Japanese translation is overland transport, which literally means going overland with a boat through hazardous areas or areas where it is not possible to flow down the river.) We were able to test drive a packraft with all its features.
At this time, the detachable deck for Streus was under development and just before release. This is especially useful in Hokkaido to protect against the cold when river touring. Furthermore, the deck can be rolled up with Velcro tape, a safety design that reduces the risk of being trapped inside if it is tipped over. (The officially released product is an air-inflatable model that prevents water from pooling on the deck.)
The effectiveness of decked boats in cold weather was later confirmed when we went pack rafting in cold weather on a self-bailer (a pack raft with an automatic drainage hole in the bottom of the boat, as shown in the photo below, that prevents water from remaining in the cockpit when exposed to waves) boat and then on a boat with a deck. I felt the difference in comfort when I did pack rafting in a boat with a deck.
Of course, a self-bailer boat may be effective when pack rafting river sections where you mainly enjoy white water (sections with continuous rapids), so you should choose according to your home river and the kind of pack rafting you want to do. The best thing to do is to have more than one packraft!
Very interesting and habit-forming packrafting peripheral items.
Anfibio” is a pneumatic life jacket that is not so familiar in Japan. Anfibio is an interesting brand of original gear developed by a German packraft store that specializes in packrafting. The pneumatic life jacket has the advantage of being small when stored, but since the buoyancy is not made of foam, it is important to understand the disadvantages (what happens if there is a hole in it?). This life jacket is recommended only for those who understand the disadvantages of air life jackets (e.g., what happens if there is a hole). It is not recommended for rivers that are mainly whitewater, but it is definitely a sharp piece of gear!
A well-used, waterproof tank. It seems to have been used by explorers such as cavers, and even though it is not completely waterproof, it is waterproof enough to be used as a foot brace for packrafts, which is a two birds with one stone item. However, it is difficult to obtain in Japan.
Packraft, chosen according to what kind of pack rafting you want to do.
Streus – I think this is a boat that will be in the consideration ranking of many people in terms of price. As introduced in the web store of Genki Shokai, I have an impression that it is a versatile boat. Some say that it is halfway because of its versatility, but it is a boat that can handle any river without a hitch.
If you are accustomed to riding a Rarga – Ducky, this boat may be a good fit for you. It is stable when it floats on the surface of the water, and also stable when it enters the rapids. Therefore, this boat is suitable for river touring with luggage. And it is a self-bailer boat. It is a bit heavy to pack and carry on your back, so it is recommended for those who mainly travel downriver by car.
WW-255 – I thought this packraft was really built with whitewater in mind because of its narrow hull. It may be too small for river touring with larger drybags such as camping gear in the bow, so it may be best for those who mainly play on whitewater rivers. (I was later told that this boat is very similar to the design of the Wolverine, the whitewater model of the Alpaca raft, which convinced me of its features.)
So, a trip down the river on a trail is sure to be fun. I hope that more and more people will enjoy such a culture, and it is with this thought and concept in mind that “Packraft Hokkaido” was launched. We will continue to post about packrafting.