パックラフトで行く、ユウフツ越え② / Packrafting in the area of the “Yufutsu Crossing”.②


English Below.







Photo by Yutaka Hashimoto





I don’t know how much propulsion the round-timber boats used to transport cargo in the past had, but this is a project to try it with a packraft. The previous article was about a section rowed up from the mouth of the Yufutsu River in the Pacific Ocean to just before the lower reaches of Lake Utonai, where access is restricted.

About the “Yufutsu Goe”

In Hokkaido, there used to be a transportation transportation route that used the river as a road, called the Yufutsu Crossing, which passed from the Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Japan. If you are pack rafting, you have an image of through paddling from upstream to downstream and then to the mouth of the river, but this route is the Yufutsu River on the Pacific Ocean, Lake Utonai (no back and forth traffic), Mimagawa River, and overland to the Chitose River. The reverse route from the Chitose River to the Ishikari River to the Sea of Japan is called “Shikotsu Goe”.

Hike section after paddling the Yufutsu River and packing the packraft

After paddling the Yufutsu River section from the mouth to the upper reaches of the river, we landed safely just before the lower reaches of Lake Utonai, where access is restricted.

After packing our packrafts, we will now begin the walking section to the Miimigawa River.

The vegetation that tells us that this area used to be a sea, the white-boned deer, and the double-track hiking section with overhanging vegetation by the railroad tracks…it is not far from the town, but it has more than enough backcountry feel to it.

Daring to avoid walking on the main road, we passed through an unmanned JR station and a residential road.

After that, we arrived at the park where the canoe port is located at the so-called “goal” of the Bibi River. The inlet at the bottom of the Bibi River upstream of Lake Utonai is not allowed to enter due to bird protection.

Here, we had a nice lunch time to take a breather. In the next installment of “Over the Yuu Futsu (3)”, we will paddle from the downstream to the upstream of the Bibi River.

