続・パックラフト時の靴探しの旅。 / Continuing the journey to find shoes at the time of packrafting. 2023.5.18


English Below.



Astral Rassler2.0 / アストラル ラスラー2.0




AstralのRassler2.0ですが、陸上でも問題なく歩きやすい。川の中の岩の上、水に濡れたら滑るパックラフトのコーティングナイロンの上でも吸い付く様にグリップしてくれましたが、この秘密は、Astralのウォーターシューズ特有の ” GSSラバーソール “ これには正直驚きました。


Astralのウォーターシューズの “ GSSラバーソール “ これは、ソールをそのまま見ると、一見通常のパターンのソールに見えますが、ソールを曲げて見ると更に細かいパターンが見えてきます。(このソールを見ると販売価格に納得して購入できると思いますよ! )





The best solution for my packraft shoes.

I was finally able to test wear them on the river.

Astral Rassler 2.0

In Hokkaido, the time when you can paddle without a dry suit is only about a month. In the hot summer months, a full dry suit is a risk of heat stroke, but when considering rescue operations, etc., you can expect to be in the river for a long time, so you need to be conscious of keeping warm.

I basically use a “dry top + dry pants” combination in cold weather, and adjust the inside layers according to the outside temperature. If you are a mountain climber, you can easily get the image of this, but it is a form of inner layer -> midrider -> outer layer. If it is a long river trip, it is better to envision clothing that can be taken on and off as it gets hotter or colder.

Since we are talking about shoes this time, I digressed a bit, but with wool socks and dry pants with socks, I chose a shoe size one size larger than usual. This was a great decision.

These are Astral’s Rassler 2.0 and they are easy to walk in on land without any problems. The secret is Astral’s GSS rubber sole, which is unique to Astral’s water shoes.

The felt sole of wading shoes and mountain stream shoes for fishing provides traction on rocks on the river bottom and riverbanks, but on Packraft’s coated nylon, it is slippery and does not provide any traction at all. The soles commonly found on trail running shoes provide good traction on trail walking and riverbank rocks, but not excellent traction on river bottom rocks. (Depending on the time and occasion, trail running shoes can be effective when pack rafting!)

Astral’s water shoes “GSS Rubber Sole” This looks like a normal patterned sole when you look at the sole as it is, but when you bend the sole you can see an even finer pattern. (I think you will agree with the selling price when you see this sole! )
This is why they provide good traction on river bottom rocks and wet coated nylon.
It is soft, so I think it will wear down if you walk around on pavement too much, but I don’t plan to use it for town use, so it should be fine!
Also, the drainage holes on the toe and heel, not just on the sole. This is the reason why there is no sensation of water pooling in the shoe forever when you get out of the water and onto land. It is indeed a kayak shoe,

And the atmosphere of old style shoes, which is unique to Astral, is the best!

