



“アップリバー⇔ダウンリバー“ である事を考えるとダウンリバーの逆の動きをする事を念頭にプットイン。


What is the “Yufutsu Goe”?
In Hokkaido, there used to be a transportation transportation route that used the river as a road, called the Yufutsu Crossing, which passed from the Pacific Ocean to the Sea of Japan. If you are pack rafting, you have an image of through paddling from upstream to downstream and then to the mouth of the river, but this route is the Yufutsu River on the Pacific Ocean, Lake Utonai (no back and forth traffic), Mimagawa River, and overland to the Chitose River. The reverse route from the Chitose River to the Ishikari River to the Sea of Japan is called “Shikotsu Goe”.
This time, we started at the mouth of the Yufutsu River on a section pack rafting trip “Yufutsu Goe”.
I don’t know how much propulsive power the wooden boats used to transport cargo had in the past, but we are planning to try it with a packraft.
First of all, the term “section pack rafting” is a combination of the words “through paddling” and “section pack rafting,” which is a project to paddle only “in between” sections. In the long distance hiking community, the term “section hike” is often heard.
Here is a rough idea of our equipment for this trip. Since we will not be staying overnight, we packed our day packraft equipment, and each of us packed individually from here.The boat used was an Alpackaraft classic, and all equipment on the river went into Watershed dry bag.
“Can we really paddle a packraft up the river?” “The slope is loose, so it should be fine, right?” In the end, the good thing about packraft is that you can go with the feeling of “Oh no, if it doesn’t work, we can just walk.
So, we will start paddling up at the mouth of the “Yufutsu River,” right after we see the Pacific Ocean with a strong swell to lift our spirits. When we float the packraft out of the ocean, it gets tossed around by the waves, so we pack it up and look for a good place to put-in.
Given that the upriver is the downriver and the downriver is the upriver, the put-in is made with the reverse of the downriver’s movement in mind.
Paddle up within the eddy (the part of the river where the reversing current is occurring at an obstruction), and if there is a meandering current change to the left or right, ferry glide into the eddy on the other side of the river. This is the basic river reading and technique, going back to the basics of downriver. It was also a trip to review basic movements.
About 2 km/h? If you are not within the eddy, if you take a break from paddling, you will be brought back. It’s as if walking is faster. But that’s not the point of this trip, so I’m not going to think about it. (In fact, I was half absent-minded.)
And so, we finished the Yufutsu River section with a pleasant? With a sense of fatigue, we successfully completed the Yufutsu River section, and will look for a landing spot before Lake Utonai, which has restricted access, and in the next article, we will start the walking section to the Bibikawa River.