English Below.

I was a rather avid camper, climber, bicyclist, and snowboarder, but only as a hobby. I contacted an acquaintance who was a river guide and began working as a river guide about 20 years ago, In 2022, I resumed rafting for the first time on a packraft. It was simply because I started to want to do river rafting as a hobby.
After that, I contacted an acquaintance who was a river guide and began working as a river guide, but after working as a full-time guide and a part-time guide, I had been away from river rafting for a while. In 2022, I resumed river rafting for the first time on a packraft. This was simply because I began to want to do river rafting as a hobby, not as a job.
Since I started, the more I do pack rafting, the more I enjoy it. The more I do it, the more I enjoy it. I spend my days collecting equipment and information from overseas. (I’ve been hooked since I was around 40 years old.)
So, I have been rafting for about 18 years, but in terms of packrafting history, I have only been rafting for 3 years.
I would like to ask all of you pack rafters to think that there is too little information about packrafting in Japan since the beginning of packrafting.
There have been people who have been using packraft in Japan since the dawn of time. Although packrafts are finally getting more exposure in the media, and packrafts are now being sold by other manufacturers, there is still not a lot of information available on the gear that goes around them. Although the culture of mountaineering has taken root in Japan, it is hard to deny the feeling that river rafting has declined since the unprecedented boom of Canadian canoes in the 1980s and 1990s.
Recently, the river SUP industry has been on the upswing (I envy you!) as more and more people are taking up the challenge of riding on flowing water after the SUP boom in still water. However, it is not necessary to become a fad at an accelerated pace (explosive fads have many problems and decline quickly…). We hope that the culture of “going down the river” will take root quietly and steadily, and we will keep sending out information with a dream of that time in mind.