English Below.
ニセコで開催されるアドベンチャーレースの “ Niseko Expedition “ に参加する2人から尻別川にパックラフティングのダウンリバートレーニングに行きたいとお誘いをいただいたので、下ってきました。川のお誘いには余程のことがない限りはお応えしたい!という気概でいます笑
静水区間を漕ぐのであれば、その時の風の状況や体力勝負。しかし、流れのある区間だと、川の中で波立っているところ “ 瀬 “ では、何が潜んでいるか?どんな流れになっているか?
- ・わけがわからなずパックラフトに乗って流れてきた。
- ・わからないながらも下れるようになる。
- ・何となくわかってきた!
- ・上手に下れるようになる。
Packraft training with adventure race competitors.
Two participants in the “ Niseko Expedition ” adventure race in Niseko invited me to go down to the Shiribetsu River for some pack rafting downriver training. I am always willing to accept an invitation to go down to the river unless there is something wrong! I’m willing to accept an invitation to go down the river as long as it’s not too much of a challenge!
This time, we were two experienced downriver racers, but if you have no downriver experience at all, how is it best to improve?
In an adventure race, you never know which section you will be going down until the actual day of the race. That is the best part of adventure racing, but as with anything, the more experience you have going down the river, the stronger the pack rafting section of the river will be.
If you are paddling a still-water section, it is a matter of wind conditions and physical fitness at the time. But if it is a flowing section, what is lurking in the rippling “ rapids ” in the river? What kind of current is it?
Or, if it is not weeping like a rapids, but it is undulating, or if it is a reversing current (what kind of current is it?), what is lurking? Or, there are reversal currents (where the current hits something and flows upstream).
The flow can be steep due to a strong slope, high water volume, narrow width of the river itself, etc. When the aforementioned various currents are combined into the river, it becomes even more complicated.
This is the “river-reading” part, which is both difficult and interesting, and is the real thrill of river rafting. Even if you can read the river, you will not be able to go down the river well if you cannot maneuver the boat well. Conversely, even if you are good at paddling, if you cannot read the river, you will also not be able to go down well. (In most cases, however, river reading and navigation techniques improve in proportion to each other!)
So, the only way to become a good river rafter is to gain experience in river rafting. The basic premise is that you should never go to the river alone. You should always go with an experienced person who can go down the river without problems and has knowledge of river rescue, or you should join a guided tour and go with a guide. (To keep the river rafting fun and safe!)
Progress will be faster if you downriver with a guide or experienced person in a packraft.
If you can go to different rivers, it will give you experience and practice, but only if you go to a local or easily accessible home river,
I was on a packraft and it was flowing.
I can go down the river even though I don’t know how to go down.
I understand it somehow!
You will be able to descend well.
At the same time, you will learn what is dangerous in the river by going on guided tours or with experienced rafters.
However, please try to relax and let yourself be carried away by the current at the pools where the current is slow and relaxed. Downriver, while relaxing, will relax your body and mind. You will love river rafting even more 🙌