私のパックラフトで川下りをする時の基本装備 / My basic equipment for river packrafting.


English Below.


  1. Kokatat Hydrus3.0ドライトップ


2. Kokatat Hydrus3.0 ドライパンツ


3. Aquabound Shred グラスファイバーシャフト / ナイロンブレード 4ピース



・4ピースのカヤックパドル?パックラフトパドル? /4 piece kayak paddle? Packraft paddle? 2023.2.20

4. SweetProtection Wanderer2


5. Astral Aquavest300



6. Sea to summit evac dry bag



7. Astral Rassler2.0



関連記事で、「Astral Rassler2.0」に関しても書きましたので、ご参照ください。

・ブログ記事:パックラフト時の靴探しの旅。 / A Journey in Search of Shoes at the Time of Packraft. 

・ブログ記事:続・パックラフト時の靴探しの旅。 / Continuing the journey to find shoes at the time of packrafting.

8. AlapackaRaft Classic Mサイズ WRデッキ一式

パックラフトというカテゴリーのボートを世界で初めて確立して製品化したパックラフトのオリジネーター、アメリカのコロラド州の企業 “ アルパカラフト “ クラシックを使用しています。パッキング込みのリバーツーリングにも、リバーランニング性能の高さにも定評があります。穏やかな河川から急流河川まで対応できる万能艇ですが、万能艇=中途半端では決してない、パックラフトのDNAをど真ん中で引き継ぐ高性能な万能艇です。

9. 補修キット×1、ファーストエイドキット×2



10. 秀岳荘オリジナルミニスローバッグ、モンベルスローバッグ


11. サーマレスト ZライトSOL


12. Sea to summit Bigriver Dry Bag


13. ウェービングテープ、プーリー、カラビナ、電動ポンプ、インフレーションバッグ、ポンプ(AlpackaRaft Pack-A-Pump)




Introduction to basic equipment for river rafting in packraft.

1.Kokatat Hydrus 3.0 dry top

In Hokkaido, the period when you can paddle without a dry top or full dry suit is very short. This is because the water temperature does not change that much throughout the year, even when the temperature rises. Therefore, it is better to use an intermediate suit inside a dry top to adjust for the outside temperature.

  1. Kokatat Hydrus 3.0 Dry Pants

The reasons for dry pants are the same as above. Even a dry suit will eventually get wet due to fabric deterioration, so I use a separate top and bottom type because only the dry pants can be replaced, but a full body dry suit is more resistant to flooding.

3.Aquabound Shred 4-piece fiberglass shaft / nylon braid

As for paddles, I don’t use special paddles because I don’t care for very lightweight paddles, but I prefer paddles with good build quality that don’t rattle. If you are driving and using a packraft to downriver, you may not need a 4-piece paddle, but if you want to pack, carry, and enjoy pack rafting, a 4-piece paddle would be the choice for you.

  1. SweetProtection Wanderer2

When it comes to helmets, your first priority would be to choose one that fits your head perfectly. Some packrafters use bicycle helmets because they use bicycles to move around and load their bicycles onto their packrafts for bike rafting down the river, and others use mountaineering helmets. Notable features of river helmets, especially those that can be used with kayaks, are that the inner lining does not retain water and the shell is strong.

5.Astral Aquavest300

In terms of PFDs, the best PFDs are those that are designed for white water (wavy parts of the river). In white water, where the water is white and foamy, the PFD will lose more buoyancy than in non-wavy areas. Choose a PFD with a minimum buoyancy of 7.5 kg for adults and 5 kg for children, US Coast Guard certified or Japanese Cherry Blossom Mark certified. It is also important to choose the correct size, because even if the buoyancy is correct, an incorrectly sized PFD will have no meaning at all.

(This PFD is also old and was replaced in 2024 due to concerns about buoyancy loss.)

  1. sea to summit evac dry bag

This dry bag will hold your repair kit and first aid kit that you don’t want to get wet.

Since we will be on the river, we will use the dry bag for things we don’t want to get wet.

  1. Astral Rassler2.0

If you have water shoes, non-removable sandals with heels, and trail running shoes if you don’t mind getting wet, you will have no problem going down the river. However, if your shoes are not designed for water, you need to be careful because it can be extremely slippery when walking on wet rocks in and around the river.

Also, if you are planning to do pack rafting, you need to choose shoes that can walk on trails.

Please refer to the separate article on Astral Rassler 2.0. 8.

  1. a set of AlapackaRaft Classic M size WR decks

The originator of packraft, the first company in the world to establish and commercialize the packraft category of boats, the American Colorado company “ AlapackaRaft ” Classic is used. It is known for its high river running performance as well as for its packing-in river touring. It is a versatile boat that can be used in calm to swift rivers, but versatile boat = never halfway, it is a high performance all-rounder that inherits Packraft’s DNA in the middle of the river.

  1. 1 repair kit and 2 first aid kits

A repair kit to deal with packraft malfunctions during pack rafting and a first aid kit to deal with injuries during pack rafting are placed in the “LOKSAK” to ensure waterproofing, and then stored together in 6 dry bags.

I would like to write a separate article on the contents of the repair kit and the First Aid Kit.

  1. original Shugaku-so mini throw bag and Montbell throw bag

Basically, each person should have one throw bag as personal equipment. The original mini throw bag from outdoor store Shugaku-so in Hokkaido is ideal for pack rafters to carry, and although the rope length is short, it is lightweight so that it can be taken out and thrown immediately, and also ideal for those who are not confident in their arm strength or for women to carry. The MontBell Throw Bag 15m is carried for bagging up mini throwing bags.

  1. Thermarest Z-Light SOL

This is shown in the photo inside the cockpit of the packraft for floor protection and insulation for the feet in front of the inflatable seat, but it is not included in the equipment list as it is not needed at the moment.

  1. sea to summit Bigriver Dry Bag

In this 13L dry bag, we put Dry Bag 6 with 9 repair kits and First Aid kits, and 13 carabiners. When downriver, I place it under my feet and use it as a foot brace. This style kills two birds with one stone: I put things I want to keep dry in it and use it as a foot brace, which also helps to reduce the weight of my pack.

  1. webbing tape, pulley, carabiner, electric pump, inflation bag, pump (AlpackaRaft Pack-A-Pump)

I carry webbing tape because it can be used for multiple purposes, such as mooring the packraft on the river, as an anchor in case of some sort of emergency, or as a simple harness. Pulleys are not essential, and carabiners can be substituted for the double power system. Locking carabiners can be used to carry a packraft, and in rescue situations they are needed along with a rope. An electric pump and inflation bag are needed for the process of inflating the packraft. The Alpacaraft Pack-A-Pump is a good equipment to have if you are an Alpacaraft user. It is a good thing to have when you want to increase the pressure at the end, to re-inflate the air pressure of the packraft that has been cooled and deflated by the river water.

