English Below.
“Nobdody cares how high you run the Little White (River)”.
日本で ” Nobdody’s ” をご存知ではない方もいらっしゃると思いますので、ブランドストーリーをご紹介します。
最初の 12 個の試作品は、Samの空き部屋にあるSarinaの家庭用ミシンで作られましたが、設計上の問題点に手を差し伸べてくれたのが、フッドリバー(コロンビア川を挟んで対岸の町)にオフィスを構えるホワイトウォーターアパレル会社、日本のパドラーの皆さんもご存知のIR(イマージョンリサーチ)社の友人たちが、専門設備と業界知識を駆使して試作品の製造を手伝い、量産にマッチする帽子を完成させることができました。
Packraft Hokkaido / パックラフト北海道は、パドリングコミュニティの繫がりから、 ” Nobdody’s ” の日本でのディストリビューターとなりました。
Packraft Hokkaido / パックラフト北海道ウェブショップはこちら→https://packhokkaido.base.shop/









Packraft Hokkaido / パックラフト北海道ウェブショップはこちら→https://packhokkaido.base.shop/


誰も気にかけてくれない時でも気にかけてくれてくれる全知全能の”Nobdody’s “を象徴する存在です。
Packraft Hokkaido / パックラフト北海道ウェブショップはこちら→https://packhokkaido.base.shop/

Nobdody’s Brand Story
“Nobody cares how high you run the Little White (River)”.
“Nobody cares how high you run down the Little White Salmon River”.
Don’t take yourself or your sport too seriously. The intent was to say “Nobody” with an extra “d” spelled out.
This was the wording on 100 bumper stickers that our paddling friend Leif had custom-ordered for us.
Not only did it become the brand name for Nobdody’s, it has become a philosophy to keep the humor and ease of the business.
For those of you who are not familiar with “ Nobdody’s” in Japan, here is the brand story.
Designed and tested in White Salmon, Washington, a town on the banks of the Columbia River Gorge, where sun and rain meet. (You may know it as the Little White Salmon River, which empties into the Columbia River, famous for its whitewater kayaking.)
Co-owners Sam and Sarina, who are also avid whitewater kayakers, set out to design a comfortable and stylish skullcap for year-round paddling fun. The product idea was born out of the inability of thermal skullcaps to block out the sun while kayaking in the Grand Canyon, and the impossibility of wearing both a skullcap and a brimmed cap, plus a helmet.
The first 12 prototypes were made on Sarina’s home sewing machine in Sam’s spare room. Our friends at IR (Immersion Research) helped us manufacture a prototype using their specialized equipment and industry knowledge, and we were able to complete a hat that matched mass production.
Packraft Hokkaido has become a distributor of Nobdody’s in Japan through our connections in the paddling community.
(*Retailers interested in carrying Nobdody’s, please contact us via DM).
If you are interested in trying on the products, please check our Instagaram page for more information.
Packraft Hokkaido web store is here -> https://packhokkaido.base.shop/
About Nobdody’s signature Soli
This water hat is especially perfect for cold temperatures!
It fits comfortably under a helmet and the neoprene material keeps your head warm in cold weather!
The flat brim protects your face from sun and rain!
The flat brim protects your face from sun and rain, and the buckled drawstring at the back of the head keeps the hat from flying off in high wind conditions!
The pull cord is attached to the chin, but is it necessary? Kayakers can set their earplugs in the pull-strap loop instead!
It is also ideal for drift fishing with a boat, anglers who stand in rivers and lakes all day long, paddle sports as well as kite boarding, canyoning, surfing, and all other cold-water sports!
Stylish with or without a helmet! (We think this is the most important part!)
Soli is a good fit for the cooler seasons in Hokkaido and other areas of Japan, as you may have already somewhat noticed!
Packraft Hokkaido web store is here -> https://packhokkaido.base.shop/
Nobdody’s brand logo
The Great Blue Heron in the logo stands calmly on the river, often reminding paddlers of a friend or relative watching over their safety.
It symbolizes the omniscient and omnipotent “Nobody’s” presence that cares for us even when no one else does.
(It is a relief to encounter a standing Great Egret or Great Blue Heron when you are down the river!)
Packraft Hokkaido web store is here -> https://packhokkaido.base.shop/